The number of Russian people who lived in Estonia after gaining independence in 1991 exceeded 30%, which resulted in the very keen interest of Russia in Estonian politics. April 2007 created a new reality for relations between the countries. The decision to move the statues of Second World War...
Earlier on Monday, Finnish Defense Minister Jussi Niinisto said a legislative reform on foreign ownership of militarily important areas will be submitted to parliament this autumn. The comments of the Russian side are not available now. Finnish police has detained one Russian and one Estonian citize...
The hope for a changed perception of Estonia beyond its eastern border is related to the country's involvement in the European integration process. It is, however, too early to assess the role of the Estonian establishment in the forming of the EU's policy toward Russia. 展开 ...
The Dictionary of Estonian Grammar ([TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII], 2006), similarly, supplies veneparaseks tegema (make Russian-like) for the entry "venestama" (Russify, Russianise). Terminology pertaining to ethnic relations as used in late Imperial Russia/Etniliste suhete terminid hilises...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook State Duma (redirected fromRussian Duma) Encyclopedia State Duma n (Historical Terms) another name forduma3 Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011...
The status, conservation and sustainable use of Estonian wetlands The country's economic and political situation has changed rapidly since the regaining of independence in 1991 and accession to the European Union in 2004 ... K Kai,A Kull,JO Salm,... - 《Wetlands Ecology & Management》 被引量...
The Estonian Parliament and EU Affairs: A Watchdog That Does Not Bark? In addition to being poor and peripheral, the country faced complex legacies from the Soviet era, including the presence of a large Russophone minority and an unresolved border dispute with the Russian Federation which opposed...
Reinforcing this is the circumstance that Ruotsi in Finnish and Rootsi in Estonian are the words for "Sweden," the place of origin of the Varangians. These themselves may be from an old Norse word, rothr, for "rowing-way." On the other hand, a point for the southern origin theory is...
RELATIONS WITH RUSSIA While Russians may have avoided American politics, they did not shy away from concern with the homeland. This was particularly the case among the White Russian immigrants. The very fact that they were designated White Russians was a political statement. As refugees and politic...
Moreover, the United States had forced the permanent and temporary European representatives in the Security Council to sit on their hands and let the resolution pass by abstaining. That was a day like no other in decades of East-West relations. Let us be of good faith. ©Gilbert Doctorow,...