A false flag operation is an attack that aims to disguise the real source of the aggression in the hopes that your opponent is blamed. Popovka, a rural community, is close to Russia's border with Ukraine. XThis content is provided by Zelenskyy: Russia targets Europe an...
We find this gradual shift to drastically speed up with the start of Russian aggression in November 2021 and the subsequent outbreak of the war. In the span of a few months, Ukrainian tweet probability rises from 48% to a remarkable 76%. While some of this increase can be explained by Ru...
Ukraine halted the transit of Russian gas to Europe through its pipeline network after a prewar deal expired at the end of last year.
"If you think a cause such as Ukraine fighting against the illegal aggression of Russia is something that should be transactional then that is not the nature of giving. That is not the nature of support. "I think the US needs to realise that sometimes you give and don't get b...
Footnote17 In particular, while in the 1990s and early 2000s nonstrategic nuclear weapons had played an elevated role in deterring nonexistential aggressions, now Russia’s strategic non-nuclear weapons took over this mission. This, in turn, pushed potential nuclear use to later stages of the ...
War in Europe. Ukraine, Romania and the Republic of Moldova Facing Russian AggressionVasilache, Laura MariaRomanian Review of Eurasian Studies / Revista Romn de Studii Eurasiatice
"If you think a cause such as Ukraine fighting against the illegal aggression of Russia is something that should be transactional then that is not the nature of giving. That is not the nature of support. "I think the US needs to realise that sometimes you give and don't ...
"It's up to all of us in this room and around the world to meet this moment," he finished. "We can't wait the moment to stop this war of aggression. The moment to defend democracy, the moment to stand for our shared values is now. So let us seize it." ...
The discussion about whether and how NATO should adjust its nuclear posture in Europe in response to Russia’s military operations and statements has been ongoing for more than a decade. It gained i...
“I think that good intelligence enabled our leaders, our political leaderships, to mobilize a very strong coalition to counter Putin’s aggression.” Burns said that this helped the Ukrainians to defend themselves. He also spoke of a “novel approach” to declassify some secrets in that period...