Kovalenko said that at present, the most significant sources of online Russian disinformation were TikTok in Ukraine and Telegram in Europe. Both are widely used in Ukraine. He said that earlier this year, TikTok had shut down about 30 of the 90 accounts that Ukraine had flagged as Russi...
In a series of essays written in 2022, Terry M. Boardman revealed the deeper background to the Ukraine conflict, which he argues is actually a proxy war, an episode in a much longer-lasting war that the West, or more specifically, the ‘Anglosphere’, has been waging against Russia fo...
Also receive offers from The Africa Report's partners rationing strategy Egypt dims lights to maximise LNG revenueRising gas demand in the EU countries, which have been imposing sanctions on their main provider, Russia, on the back of the Ukraine war, has prompted... ...
The armed conflict between Ukraine and Russia that began in late February 2022 has far-reaching environmental consequences, especially regarding water resources and management. Here we analysed the multifaceted impacts of the military actions on freshwat
Russian forces destroy Leopard tank in Ukraine – MOD (VIDEO) ANALYSIS Dmitry Trenin: What Ukraine should look like after Russia’s victory EU risks losing gas supplies from Qatar – energy minister Inaction over Ukraine would have been a ‘crime’ – Putin ...
Ukraine is top of the agenda at the World Economic Forum in Davos this year and President Volodymyr Zelenskyy addressed the summit via video link Monday.
The Russia–Ukraine War is impacting global food systems, which may trigger global cropland expansion and consequently lead to biodiversity loss far from war zones. To quantify such impacts on biodiversity, we simulated the global cropland expansion provoked by the reshaping of international virtual ...
Russia's Wagner Group Denies Recruiting Serbs to Fight in Ukraine More Reuters FILE PHOTO: An interior view shows PMC Wagner Centre, which is a project implemented by the businessman and founder of the Wagner private military group Yevgeny Prigozhin, during the official opening of ...
If the world economy were doing well, and if Russia were a tiny part of the world economy, perhaps the sanctions could be tolerated by the world economy. As it is, the Russia-Ukraine conflict acts to hide the underlying resource shortage problem. This is possible because, with the con...
According to several OSINT reports, Ukraine has launched a new drone attack on the Sevastopol naval base of the Russian Black Sea Fleet.