Ties between Moscow and Washington plunged to a post-Cold War low as Barack Obama slapped on sanctions over the Ukraine crisis and Russia's alleged meddling in Trump's election.[69] US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said that US sanctions against Russia will remain in place until Moscow "...
After the Soviet Union disintegrated, the United States, a self-proclaimed "Cold War winner," has kept squeezing Russia's development space through the eastward expansion of NATO, which not only did not disappear with the Cold War but has increasingly gained strength to become a military bloc t...
The threereturned to the United Stateslate Thursday night as part of a 24-person prisoner swap — one of the largest since the end of the Cold War — among the U.S., Russia, Germany and three other Western countries. The deal is a significant and hard-fought win for the Biden ad...
The US will welcome as many as 100,000 Ukrainians and other people displaced by the war in Ukraine,the White House said on Thursday. The government will use the refugee admission program and other legal pathways to bring Ukrainians to the US, particularly those with family already in the co...
Years in the making, the Russia-Ukraine war broke out in late February as a result of the failure of the United States, Europe and Russia to manage growing tensions. The war, which endangers not only the region but the entire world order, has lasted more than two months now and shows ...
It is a group of 9 NATO countries in Eastern Europe that became part of the US-led military alliance after the end of the Cold War. Members: Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia. All members of the B9 are part of the European...
Article: Today's U.S.A. and Russia: Is Cold War II Ahead? - An informal hearing led by Chairman John Conyers on Capitol Hill on the crisis in Us-Russia Relations.
Modelling the future: climate change research in Russia during the late Cold War and beyond, 1970s–2000Soviet UnionRussiaPaleoanaloguesIPCCCold WarClimate models are what governments, experts and societies base their decisions on future climate action on. To show how different models were used to ...
but but public criticism is rare and dissent has been heavily punished. Shortly after the Ukraine invasion began in late February, Russia's government introduced a law that would impose a 15-year prison sentence on anyone spreading "fake news" about the Ukraine war, which the Kremlin strictly ...
US Army expenditure: As US funding for Ukraine faces an uncertain future, theUS Army has been left to foot the billfor hundreds of millions of dollars in support forUkraine’s war effortover the past few months. Army officials are also increasingly concerned that without new funding, they wil...