RUSSIA AND COVID-19. I wonder whether Xi suspected at first (at first) that COVID might (might) have been a biowar attack and communicated that possibility to Putin. (There are probably people in Beijing who think the US used biowar in Korea.) I think they quickly decided that it was...
US warns Syria's Assad of Israeli counter-strike for terror campaign - Sept 5 US soldiers help repel deadly attack on Iraq army headquarters 7 dead - Sept 512 die in attack on Baghdad military headquarters - Sept 5This just happened (today Sept 5 th!) right after the U.S. gave Syria...
A bioterror false flag? Check. Check. Check. All of these cards, too, are in the deck and ready to be dealt. But there is another card in that deck that has been largely neglected for the past two years, and I have a feeling we're going to see it laid on the table this year...
So concerned was the Prime Minister Winston Churchill, that in the spring of that year he ordered his Chiefs of Staff to prepare a plan, `Operation Unthinkable' to attack the Soviet Empire. The top secret plan was so sensitive that only Churchill's immediate circle of military advisors were ...
control of the various assets and organs of the Russian state in wake of the collapse of the Soviet Union. This has been extensively documented. We have a clear understanding of how this ‘state’kleptocracyworks. It is run by amafiaand Putin is the Capo, they rule through terror and ...
into Yemen via Saudi Arabia—who aside from its staging of the fake chemical attack used as justification by the West to attack Syria—but whose attack these terrorists “called a farce”—this terror group’s use of chemical weapons in the past makes them one of the most feared in the ...
Quite the contrary. What we are watching in Ukraine, Syria, Taiwan and the South China Sea are the opening salvos of an age of more ideological wars that may well be just as futile, deadly and self-defeating as the “war on terror,” and much more dangerous to the United States. ...
When is the last time you heard of some “attack” on Jews taking place in Charleston, SC? Never. There was also a uniformed and armed Charleston city police officer there on Sunday, when we chose that same path back to the hotel from town. Why? ALL of the parking meters in the ...
27. Use students to foment public protests against programs, individuals or organizations under Communist/Socialist attack. Chief of Police not being able to talk about “stop & frisk” Q&A. 28. Infiltrate press, book-review assignments, editorial writing, and policymaking positions. ...
WikiLeaks haspublished multiple documentsproviding further details on thecoverup within the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons(OPCW) of its own investigators’ findings which contradicted the official story we were all given about an alleged chlorine gas attack in Douma, Syria last ye...