The Ukraine-based Freedom of Russia Legion and the Siberian Battalion announced earlier on their Telegram pages that they had launched attacks into Russia from Ukraine. They said they intended to “take our land away from the [Putin] regime, centimeter by centimeter” and called on Russians to ...
News about Russia invading Ukraine. Russian President Vladimir Putin first ordered Russian troops to attack the European country in 2022.
The Russia-Ukraine War began in February 2014 with the covert invasion of the Ukrainian autonomous republic of Crimea by disguised Russian troops. The conflict expanded in April 2014 when Russians and local proxy forces seized territory in Ukraine’s Don
As the war in Ukraine unfolds, here’s what you need to know. Get the latest developments as Russia’s attacks continue.
Charred military vehicles are seen on a road, as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine continues, near the town of Bucha in the Kyiv region, Ukraine Feb. 28, 2022. Maksim Levin | Reuters In the meantime, the Russians are “throwing a lot at the problem” in terms of missiles and other heavy ...
Russia Stages Show of Force Near Ukraine With Launch of Crimean Exercises More Reuters FILE PHOTO: Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu attends Russian President Vladimir Putin's annual address to the Federal Assembly in Moscow, Russia April 21, 2021. Sputnik/Mikhail Klimentyev/...
U.S. President Joe Biden walks on the South Lawn to board Marine One at the White House in Washington, D.C. March 11, 2022. The U.S. government will revoke Russia's most-favored nation trade status amid the Ukraine crisis, the White House said Friday, noting that it will work with...
The southeastern part of Ukraine would include the port city of Mariupol, which has been largely destroyed by Russian siege. Russian ground forces attacking in the north have been pushed back from the capital Kyiv over the last week. — Ted Kemp ...
The last week has seen a stunning transformation of the battlefield in eastern Ukraine, as a swift armored offensive by Ukrainian forcesrolled through lines of Russian defensesand recaptured more than 3,000 square kilometers (more than 1,100 square miles) of territory. That is more territory th...
In his remarks Saturday evening, Zelensky thanked the country’s defenders “who ensure our security this night before Easter and every day,” and vowed justice for Ukraine. “It is only a matter of time before all Russian murderers feel what a fair response to their crimes is. It is on...