This paper deals with the standard of living issues in Russia. The authors try to analyse such aspects as money income of the population, disposabal income andMisikhina, SvetlanaIzryadnova, OlgaСуринов, А.Е., УровеньжизнинаселенияРоссии:1992-2002...
Following the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union and the economic dislocation it engendered, the standard of living fell dramatically. However, real disposable incomes have doubled since 1999, and experts estimate that the middle class ranges from one-fifth to one-third of the population. In 2006...
A condition for Russia's national security is the sustained development of its northern regions achieved by increasing the population's standard of living. This article analyzes the social stability of Russia's northern regions on the basis of an integrated index of standard of living. This ...
When a market economy is unleashed in such a setting, “convergence” of the standard of living to that of the developed world can be quite rapid. …A large academic literature has emerged analyzing the impact of “going west.” The literature documents that those nations that assimilated into...
"The main part of the population, which is purchased on the Russian market, with Russian goods, will not experience any significant threats to their standard of living and quality over the next few months," he continued. As a new round of negotiations between Russia and Ukraine is ...
A rational regional policy should also maintain a decent standard of living in places that seem unpromising today. Otherwise, their further desolation, mass exodus of the population, degradation of human potential with the loss of a huge development resource—millions of talented people—are inevitable...
Experts believe the standard of living in Russia will plummet in the next five years, raising questions about whether voters will become disillusioned enough with Putin to challenge his absolute authority. — Christina Wilkie Mon, Mar 14 20222:48 PM EDT ...
The material and the moral conditions of the working people leave a great deal to be desired. The wages are low in proportion to the cost of living in Russian cities, and the law does not give the workman sufficient protection against exploitation by his employer. It may be said that there...
producers, which is what we talked about today. Overall, the Vietnamese economy is growing, consumption is increasing, and the standard of people's living is rising, so this creates demand for our goods," Economic Development Minister Maxim Reshetnikov said regarding the results of the ...
The UN called on Russia “to immediately cease its armed attack and withdraw its armed forces from Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders,” as well as to take measures to ensure that “the rights to life, health, and an adequate standard of living” are fulfilled and respected ...