MOSCOW, Dec. 20 (Xinhua) -- Russia is developing new weapons to keep strategic balance and defend its security in the face of a collapse of the international arms deterrence system, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Thursday. "We will safeguard our security. We know how to do it. But ...
Russian nuclear doctrine allows for use of what is known as a tactical nuclear weapon - a limited nuclear explosion - to be deployed in a conventional conflict to make the enemy back down. Strategic nuclear weapons can hit targets much further afield, such as the US...
President Vladimir Putinsays Russia is ready to use nuclear weapons if its sovereignty or independence is threatened, issuing another blunt warning to the West before an election in which he’s all but certain to secure another six-year term. The Russian leader ...
Russia is carrying out a comprehensive review and reform of its nuclear defence doctrine and forces. Its goal is to deploy a smaller, more modern, accurate and reliable deterrent to guarantee its national security and maintain its global influence, while converting the excess military atomic power ...
-rattling over the use of nuclear weapons is nothing new but Ryabkov's comments, which echo recent statementsmade by senior officialsandthe Kremlin, point to Russia preparing the ground for changes to state policy regarding the conditions in which it would be acceptable to use nuclear weapons....
“Simply put, these missiles, equipped with the most powerful warheads, will give their creator a new deterrent, which nuclear weapons are to this day,” Litovkin notes. According to him, the ‘Zircon’ was initially created as a countermeasure for aircraft carrier groups that consist of up ...
However, Russia is concerned about the new U.S. nuclear doctrine, the provisions of which may lead to a lowered threshold for the use of nuclear weapons as well as unrestricted expansion of the U.S. missile defense system, Yermakov said. ...
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Russia is responding to Ukraine's announcement that it would seek to regain nuclear weapons. Speaking via video link at a Geneva disarmament conference, Lavrov said Ukraine possessed "Soviet technologies and the means to deliver such weapons."...
Vice Admiral Stensønes said the new weapons are difficult to counter as “they fly low or travel underwater.” The report points to three reasons why Russia feels threatened, making the country’s nuclear deterrence more important. Firstly, Russia claims NATO has changed patt...
New START Extension ‘Potentially’ Good for U.S., SecDef-Designate Says Mark Esper, who could be confirmed as secretary of defense as soon as next week, held strictly to U.S. nuclear\\r\\northodoxy in his Senate confirmation he... Dan Leone - 《Nuclear Weapons & Materials Monitor:bmi...