Live TV stream of Russia Today broadcasting from Russian federation. Channel description of Russia Today: General TV channel.
NEW NWO.European poll. Everything has changed: "Most Europeans rejoiced at Joe Biden’s victory in the November US presidential election, but they do not think he can help America make a comeback as the pre-eminent global leader... Majorities in key member states now think the US politica...
Wiki, Social networks for government officials: and, My election campaign: focus on social media marketing, A new aim means a new challenge! Enrolling for the State Duma elections , The results of panel discussion on women’s entre
Another AfD member, Gunnar Lindemann, also travelled to the occupied territories and even attended an “anti-fascist” congress in Crimea, where he received an honour. As recently as September 2021,Lindemann and three other MPs went to Russia to act as “observers”during the Duma election. In...
vote in an election that was characterized as being rife with irregularities by independent monitoring agency Golos. Ballot stuffing was observed in numerous locations, and opposition leaderAleksey Navalnywas barred from running, but Putin’s campaign characterized the result as an “incredible victory....
it becomes clear that the current regime leader will stand absolutely no chance of winning an election. His chances are zero – unless, of course, he blatantly rigs the election in one way or another, which would also be detrimental for him since everyone would be able to see through these...
compliant western media outlets like Wikileaks, which remained at least "plausibly deniable", so the stream of these would continue through October and up to the election. However s/he understood that the best material the Russians had already was out and there were no real game-changeres to...
A new poll shows more Republicans are down with Putin, Russia, and WikiLeaks following Trump's election win.
formed much of the controversy over the allegations of Russian hacking of the US presidential election, with some people arguing that Russia deliberately hacked and then leaked damaging information about the Clinton campaign to Wikileaks while withholding any damaging information about the Trump campaign...
them popular again. It ended in a war that they lost. Whilst the UK won the cost was high not just in spending but lives lost. Margaret Thatcher went from being very low in the opinion polls to a run away success at election. Hence Tony Blair signed up to the disasters that Iraq ...