In other western trial sites, total yields of Bannock Russet have been comparable to or smaller than that of Russet Burbank, but its percentage of undersize and cull potatoes is consistently less. Bannock Russet is resistant to potato virus Y (PVY), Verticillium wilt, common scab, and leaf...
Statistics Service, Crop Production Report, Fall Potatoes: Percent of Varieties Planted, 2008 Crop. Pg. 22. Accessed 2-17-2010. Nolte, P., J.L. Whitworth, M.K. Thornton, and C.S. McIntosh. ...
Baked potatoes are a classic side dish because they're delicious and very easy to make. Russet potatoes are the best choice when baking because they're high in starch and provide a fluffier texture than other varieties. While baking...