Founded in 1995, is the official website for conservative radio personality Rush Limbaugh. The Rush Limbaugh radio program debuted in 1988 and is nationally syndicated on AM and FM radio. According to theirabout page, “Rush Limbaugh, the “Doctor of Democracy,” is known as ...
“He kicked this into full-gear at CPAC by reiterating it,” said a senior White House official of Limbaugh. By Sunday morning, Emanuel elevated the strategy by bringing up the conservative talker, unprompted, on CBS’s “Face the Nation” and calling him the “the voice and the intellec...
Rush Is On at Chop House // Limbaugh Prime AttractionErnest Tucker
Rush LimbaughUSED to be Cape Girardeau’s most prominent export. One of his classmates from the Central High School Class of 1969 is dominating the news right now:Terry Jones, the Gainesville, FL, preacher who is threatening to hold an “International Burn a Koran Day” on September 11. In...
1992: Chelsea Clinton, the "White House dog" Advertisement Limbaugh faux-apologized on the show: That was a terrible thing ... , I apologize again. I--that's the third time the crew makes a mistake by showing you Millie the dog when I intended to show you Chelsea Clinton, and then ...
Berkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksPeter Dreier
Berkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksPeter Dreier