Rush Limbaugh Friday, June 29, 2012 Wingnuts Say The Darndest Things The hysteria on the right over the Supreme Court upholding the ACA is a thing to behold, but for me, the winner of Teh Stoopid goes to Rand Paul who stated: "just because a couple people on the Supreme Court ...
Wednesday, March 7, 2012: Christmas Wreaths, Chickenpox and Rush LimbaughSnowe and the electric carI only had one occasion to speak to Olympia Snowe, almost 40years ago...aboyle
So Limbaugh triumphs again. On the air, as another way of tweaking the Left, he often declares that his views have been documented to be correct 97.9 percent of the time. And as he puts down his Havana, rises to leave the studio and enters his limousine for a journey to whatever is n...