Limbaugh never had kids, and in reading the books I felt like I was somehow entering the psyche of Limbaugh as a child. I sensed some old wound. Maybe Little Limbaugh wanted to play Patriots vs. Red Coats, with muskets and spyglasses, but none of the neighborhood kids wanted to play,...
Rush LimbaughUSED to be Cape Girardeau’s most prominent export. One of his classmates from the Central High School Class of 1969 is dominating the news right now:Terry Jones, the Gainesville, FL, preacher who is threatening to hold an “International Burn a Koran Day” on September 11. In...
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Mr. Limbaugh soon resumed his broadcasts, and his adoration for Mr. Trump. As the Covid-19 pandemic swept the nation, he likened the coronavirus to the common cold. And in October, as Election Day neared and Mr. Trump recuperated from the virus himself, he joined Mr. Limbaugh on the ...
As a kid who started making my own money by stuffing newspapers at the Glasgow Courier in 4th grade - Rush Limbaugh’s message of economic hope and opportunity immediately stood out to me. He has been an inspiration ever since I first read one of his books when I was still just a junio...
Wanda Sykes deserves a medal of honor for taking on Rush Limbaugh when not one republican or member of the press is brave enough to do so. She said what the majority of the people think about his comment that he hopes Obama fails, and her timing in stating what she hoped happens to Li...