Moving Pictures is a music studio album recording by RUSH (Heavy Prog/Progressive Rock) released in 1981 on cd, lp / vinyl and/or cassette. This page includes Moving Pictures's : cover picture, songs / tracks list, members/musicians and line-up, differen
AfterHemispheres’ release, the song “The Trees” became a staple of live Rush performances. Though the build up to the album had instilled a bucolic feeling in the band – they had taken long walks in the British countryside and woken to the sounds of sheep bleating – the song is more...
Good artwork sleeve , though , somehow reminding me of the Hemispheres days! social review comments | Review Permalink Posted Tuesday, February 3, 2004 | Review this album | Report (Review #21103) Review by chessman PROG REVIEWER Disappointing after Counterparts. Still some good songs on he...