the maps of colonies that were founded show how, for many rivers, no width was set aside. It follows that in the case of these rivers, the surveyor’s profession claims some place for itself in deciding, when thelimiteshave been completed and each allocation is being demarcated, ...
Survey: A boundary survey, which must be performed by a registered land surveyor, will confirm the acreage of the land, confirm where the property boundaries are, and determine whether there are any encroachments on the property. (Note: There are rare instances when a survey is not needed, ...
Furthermore, local beliefs that show strangers their water points would make the water point non-functional and some believed the surveyor were of very high class to be shown aging and poor hygienic water points. On the question whether rural communities would volunteer to report, this study ...
In the formal investigation, each survey group was led by a local student, and each questionnaire was completed by a face-to-face question-and-answer method between the surveyor and the respondent. Each session lasted 60–80 min. Two types of questionnaires were used, village and household ...