This was never an intended action in the Nether- land but became necessary as the market and suppliers hadn't developed consensus on how to align APIs. In Sweden the national Ticket Standard (BoB) has been used, but this is primarily for tickets and payments. In New Zealand, there is a...
(Casazza et al.2021). In Tuscany, 88% of land is in private ownership (RAF2019). Monte Pisano is divided into over 20,000 fragmented private parcels, with many as small as one quarter hectare (Casazza et al.2021). The French Eastern Pyrenees were chosen as local agencies developed a ...
Small-scale subsistence farming is the main livelihood, carried out on land parcels averaging 0.6 hectares in size; the crops include maize, beans, bananas, sugarcane, sweet potatoes, fruits and vegetables, and minimal livestock farming is also practiced, mainly with dairy cattle and poultry [62]...
propose that, in guiding land inflows, more emphasis should be placed on the integration and reorganisation of fragmented land rather than simply expanding the total land area, aiming to create large, well-managed areas of arable land by achieving concentrated and contiguous transferable land parcels...