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Mutual insurance as an elusive concept in traditional rural communities. J Dev Stud. 1997; 33 (6):764–796. doi: 10.1080/00220389708422495. [ Cross Ref ]Platteau JP ( 1997 ) Mutual Insurance as an elusive concept in traditional rural communities . The Journal of D...
This study examines adverse selection in a subsidized voluntary health insurance scheme, the Rural Mutual Health Care (RMHC) scheme, in a poor rural area of China. The study was made possible by a unique longitudinal data set: the total sample includes 3492 rural residents from 1020 households....
This suggests that these two systems are generally having a trend of mutual cooperation and coordinated development. In terms of regional disparities, the Northeast has the highest mean value (0.454) for coupling and coordination between agricultural management and rural finance, which is considerably ...
peasantsmutualinsuranceforlivestockandpoultryundertheframework 中国农村兽医服务下的农户畜禽互助保险分析中国农村兽医服务下的农户畜禽互助保险分析干安生(云南省昆明市西山区农林局,云南昆明650118)[摘要]新中国农村长期存在一种兽医与农户之间的协议:农户交纳一定费用,在约定的时段内由兽医对农户饲养畜禽免费或部分免费防疫...
This form of mutual reciprocal assistance supports Oberhauser‟s claim that women‟s livelihood strategies reduce the pressure on overall household expenses as all three women said they would be forced to consider leaving employment to care for their children if they had to pay for child care....
Our results suggest that the majority of those at risk from floods are organized in self-help and mutual-aid groups. However, this non-structural risk mitigation measure is not very efficient for place-based mass disasters such as floods. At the same time, formal insurance systems are absent....
"Can Insur- ance Increase Financial Risk? The Curious Case of Health Insurance in China." Journal of Health Economics, 27(4): 990-1005.Wang, Hong, Licheng Zhang, Winnie Yip, and William C. Hsiao. 2006. "Adverse selection in a voluntary Rural Mutual Health Care health insurance scheme in...
This qualitative study is an integral part of the broader project titled “Research on the Diversity Model of Hospice Care in China”, a collaborative initiative between Tsinghua University and Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China, aimed at exploring the diversity model of hospice care in ...
Interrelationships between urban and rural areas are fundamental for the development and safeguarding of viable future living conditions and quality of life. These areas are not well-delineated or self-sufficient, and existing interrelations may privileg