农村及北部小镇试点(Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot,RNIP)是联邦移民局于2019年8月正式推出的一项移民试点计划,旨在帮助偏远农村地区吸引熟练的外国工人。该项目将于2024年8月31日正式结束,与此同时改为农村社区移民试点RCIP和法语社区移民试点FCIP。 农村
We plan to extend the timeline for communities to recommend Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot (RNIP) candidates until July 31, 2024. The end of the pilot is August 31, 2024. Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot: about the pilot - Canada.ca...
2024年3月6号,加拿大移民部长米勒宣布把小镇项目Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot变成永久性的一个项目,而且还要增加名额,新的小镇项目将从2024年秋季开始实施。原有的小镇项目延期到7月31号。作为一个强硬的移民部长,在大幅砍掉学签、配偶工签和临时签证的同时,他把小镇项目从临时的项目变成了永久性的项目,可见...
Settling in CanadaLaunch of Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot delayed in several communitiesShelby Thevenot Published: January 3, 2020 3168shares Five of the 11 communities taking part in the Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot (RNIP) were set to begin accepting applications on J...
Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot 北方及农村试点项目是以社区为核心的联邦移民项目,同时符合联邦及各个社区要求的申请人可以通过此项目申请加拿大身份。 项目流程 社区列表 North Bay, ON 暂无网址 Sudbury, ON 暂无网址 Timmins, ON 暂无网址 Sault Ste.Marie, ON ...
一、项目介绍RNIP(Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot(北部和偏远区域还试点项目)是联邦于2019年底推出的试点项目,试点周期为5年。该项目是继联邦在推出大西洋四省AIPP后,按照同样的模式推出的试点项目,该试…
Research conducted in Canada in connection with the farmer’s decision to adopt agricultural technology showed that ease of use where technology is concerned has a positive relationship with adoption. In addition, farmers' tendencies towards technology, the ability to use technology and the level of ...
Attracting Immigrants to Smaller Urban and Rural Communities: Lessons Learned from the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program Low birth rates and population ageing have slowed population growth rates in Canada, and immigration has become the primary driver of population and labour... T Carter,M Morrish,...
The CBC announced plans to expand their coverage to “communities that are underserved by broadcast news outlets,” by hiring up to 25 journalists with a focus on Western Canada. Similar Laws In Other Jurisdictions: Similar to Canada, Australia also came out with a News Media Bargaining Code in...
加拿大北部和农村地区移民试点计划(Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot)是加拿大联邦与安大略省、加拿大西部省份和三个地区的小型偏远社区合作,以吸引和留住海外工人的试点移民计划。 该项目对申请人的年龄、教育程度、语言能力等方面的要求较低,但申请人需要获得参与社区的工作聘用函并符合项目的其他申请条件才能申请,属...