Solutions for Rural Health Clinics Improving Care. Driving Revenue. Uniquely Built for RHCs Learn More Request a Personalized Demo We’d love to show you how our single platform can boost your providers’ ability to provide care and support their work-life balance.Fill up the form below to get...
“A lot of times people don’t think about rural communities, and that can be a problem,” said Brooke Bacon, physician practice manager for LMH Health Primary Care rural clinics. “These communities struggle with access to quality care, recruitment and retention of qualified health car...
shortagehealthruralhpsaclinicsdesignations RURALHEALTHCLINICS(RHC):FEDERALSHORTAGEDESIGNATIONS&LINKEDBENEFITS GeographicorLow-incomepop.HPSAAutomaticfacilityHPSAforCertifiedRHCsWIGovernor’sShortageAreaforRHCsMedicallyUnderservedArea(MUA) Benefits& Uses -CMSRHCcertification–meets shortagedesignationrequirement. -NHSCloan...
Front-line rural health clinics: Water, sanitation and hygiene access in Ntcheu District (Malawi)GovernmentHealthcareMalawiRuralSanitationWaterIn the rural healthcare setting of low-income countries, water may be used for patients taking medication or general consumption; general clinic cleaning; hand...
Define Rural Health Clinics. The Rural Health Clinics (RHCs) program is intended to increase primary care services for Medicaid and Medicare members in rural communities. RHCs can be public, private, or non-profit. RHCs receive enhanced reimbursement rat
Virtual clinics can be set up anywhere. Providing care remotely increases access to care, improves patient engagement and satisfaction, and if done right can address staff shortages. The Rural and Urgent Care Clinics Virtual Summit brings together leading healthcare providers to share how they are ...
health-care usage in Ethiopia, the study argues that additional expenditures to improve the quality of care will most likely be more cost effective than building more clinics. The conclusion sits well with earlier reported results, which show that patients bypass ill-performing facilities, and also...
ABSTRACT: Background: This study assessed whether Rural Health Clinics (RHCs) were associated with higher rates of recommended primary care services for adult beneficiaries diagnosed with diabetes in Oregon's Medicaid program, the Oregon Health Plan (OHP). Methods: OHP claims data from 2002 to ...
We believe in the old ways of medicine when healthcare was simpler. We know that rural providers need more resources to ensure patients have access to the right care at the right time. That’s why we provide our partner clinics with the staff, technology, and opportunities they need to suc...
We believe in the old ways of medicine when healthcare was simpler. We know that rural providers need more resources to ensure patients have access to the right care at the right time. That’s why we provide our partner clinics with the staff, technology, and opportunities they need to suc...