Rural believers help their own after twisters: Mennonites rebuild Tennessee homesRose French
These dams were to include electric plants forgenerating electricity to provide cheap power for the rural land in thevalley area.Within ten years, most of the homes in the TVA area had electricity. Intwenty years, there were four times as many homes in the area with pow...
And we've had some wins at hospitals in Tennessee. Lincoln County, Tennessee public hospital that was able to affiliate with an out of state not-for-profit system helped ensure access, primary care and otherwise in that county for decades. That's a big win. And you had a strong leader,...
As I explored the area, tropical birds I had never seen caught my attention. Some seabirds with white heads and gray bodies hugged the lumpy side of an unusual volcanic rock formation not far from shore. A few flew around the rocks and landed back in a recess. Later, I found out they...
In 1928, Lillian Keller reflected on her experiences in domestic reform among rural Tennessee women. She noted that farm women had only recently began to adopt modern concepts of home decoration, observing that until comparatively recent times most women measured their own homes by the homes of ...
In 1928, Lillian Keller reflected on her experiences in domestic reform among rural Tennessee...Hoffschwelle, Mary S.University of Nebraska PressFrontiers - A Journal of Women's StudiesHoffschwelle, Mary S. 2001. `Better homes on better farms': Domestic reform in rural Tennessee. Frontiers: ...
Ratings of the children using the Behavior Assessment System for Children Self-Report (BASC-SRP) were compared for both groups. The children from the MP homes were at increased risk for school maladjustment. This preliminary result documents the need for further studies in this population.doi:...