For more than 75 years, Fike rupture discs have been trusted to “burst” precisely when called upon, protecting workers and businesses from a potential disaster.
Laser ablation vaporizes the material, leaving the rest untouched. This results in a much more predictable, and reliable, rupture disc. 1 Two rupture discs may appear quite similar, but viewing them at a microscopic level may reveal a different story. ...
Source: Fike CorporationA rupture disc (also known as a rupture disc or a bursting disc) is designed to provide a leak-tight seal with in a pipe or vessel until the internal pressure rises to a predetermined level. Click Here To Download: •Rupture Discs Product Guide •Engineered ...
Kinova仿生机械臂Gen3搭载BOTA力矩传感器SeneOne:融合触觉AI 与力传感Inxpect 毫米波安全雷达,适配自动化与机器人需求Inxpect毫米波安全雷达:高精度检测与动态区域保护技术探索Moticon智能传感器鞋垫OpenGo的功能与优势
Fike is one of the leading manufacturers in this specialized field. Each disc is furnished with a metal tag which fully identifies the disc, its material of construction and its designed burst pressure. These tags should be attached to the vessel in which the disc is installed to identify the...
美国FIKE爆破片,FIKE LO-V BI,LO-V® Rupture Disc Bi-directional, Ultralow Burst Pressure 双向超低爆破压力 独特的Lo-V爆破片旨在缓解正向或反向作用下的不良压力情况。根据支架的方向,Lo-V圆盘可以执行两个不同的爆破盘的任务,其设计旨在保护处理罐和储罐免受爆裂或超压情况的影响。 独特的叶片设计可提供...
US5160070 * 1988年8月11日 1992年11月3日 Fike Corporation Reverse bulged forward acting scored rupture disc bulkhead structure for multi-stage rocket motorUS5160070 * Aug 11, 1988 Nov 3, 1992 Fike Corporation Reverse bulged forward acting scored rupture disc bulkhead structure for multi-stage ...
Features of 5/8”-11 UNC Extruder Rupture Disks Burst pressure ratings from 100 to 14,500psi (7–1000bar) Burst disc size: 3/16” Burst temperature ranges to 1,000°F (538°C) Burst tolerance: ±5% Compatible withDynisco,Gefran, GP50, Osceco, Fike ...
HomePage:http://.fike•e-mail:fmpsales@fike December,2000 RevisedIssue RUPTUREDISCHOLDERS DataSheet4030 Description ThetypicalPoly-SDBoltedTypeRuptureDiscHolderis atwo-pieceunitconsistingofabaseflange(inlet)anda holddownflange(outlet).Theseatingsurfacesofthese flangesaremachinedtogripFike’sPoly-SDRupture...
来自 EBSCO 喜欢 0 阅读量: 17 摘要: The article evaluates several types of rupture discs including Ultrx rupture disc from Continental Disc Corp., sanitary/aseptic rupture disc from Fike Corp., and fully opening perimeter-scored rupture disc from Oseco Inc. 年份: 2007 ...