Rupert Spira:你不在时间和空间里。You Are Not Located in Time and Space 意识星球住民BeAware Rupert Spira: 想象力:为什么有些人更具创造力?Why Are Some People More Creative than Others_鲁伯特斯 意识星球住民BeAware Rupert Spira:让身体臣服于觉知的临在。Surrendering the Body to the Presence of Aw...
Rupert Spira:觉醒后,身体会逐渐重置。The Gradual Rewiring of the Body After Awakening 鲁伯特斯彼拉 意识星球住民BeAware Rupert Spira:你是纯粹的存在,而不是人类。You Are Pure Being, Not a Human Being 意识星球住民BeAware 【中英】真正的自我探寻,是安住自我,忆起自我。by Rupert Spira 鲁伯特斯彼拉 ...
Rupert Spira The Essence of Non-Duality Guided meditations and conversations on the source of happiness and the nature of reality Media Watch, listen and read about the non-dual understanding. Events Find online and in-person meetings, retreats, weekends and webinars. Publications Browse books,...
Here you will find articles, art, music and other forms of creative expression from Rupert Spira and other authors of the blog, sharing the non-dual understanding. Browse blogs Media We have brought together all of Rupert Spira’s video and audio recordings to help you further your awarenes... 视频上传已获得Rupert团队的邮件许可。注:视频字幕是由up付费转写、本人逐句校对+翻译+格式调整的。若转发,请勿以盈利为目的,请勿改变内容原义,另外请注明出处(意识星球住民BeAware) 生活 日常 真相 觉醒 意识 我在 灵性 开悟 觉知 吠檀多 临在 不二论 ... 视频上传已获得Rupert团队的邮件许可。注:视频字幕是由up付费转写、本人逐句校对+翻译+格式调整的。若转发,请勿以盈利为目的,请勿改变内容原义,另外请注明出处(意识星球住民BeAware) 生活 日常 真相 觉醒 我在 灵性 意识 开悟 觉知 吠檀多 临在 不二论 ... 视频上传已获得Rupert团队的邮件许可。注:视频字幕是由up付费转写、本人逐句校对+翻译+格式调整的。若转发,请勿以盈利为目的,请勿改变内容原义,另外请注明出处(意识星球住民BeAware) 生活 日常 真相 觉醒 我在 意识 灵性 开悟 觉知 吠檀多 临在 不二论 评论384 最热 最新...
觥筹交错几分创建的收藏夹哲学内容:Rupert Spira:任何体验都不会给我们带来真正的幸福/喜悦。No Experience Can Bring Us Happiness 鲁伯特斯彼拉,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览视频上传已获得Rupert团队的邮件许可。注:视频字幕是由up付费转写、本人逐句校对+翻译+格式调整的。若转发,请勿以盈利为目的,请勿改变内容原义,另外请注明出处(意识星球住民BeAware), 视频播放量 128237、弹幕量 221、点赞数 619
Rupert Spira:如何在创伤浮现时,保持安宁?Can We Be at Peace in the Midst of Trauma 鲁伯特斯彼拉 意识星球住民BeAware 2909 7 07:32 Rupert Spira:你从未出生,永远不会死亡。You Are Not Born and You Never Die鲁伯特斯彼拉 意识星球住民BeAware 2.1万 20 04:00 Rupert Spira:天堂,即是我们存在的...