接下来播放 自动连播 Rupert Spira:冥想:任何事物都无法让你幸福。Meditation_ Nothing Can Make You Happy 意识星球住民BeAware 3550 3 Rupert Spira:自由,是每个人(与生俱来)的权利。Freedom Is Our Birthright 意识星球住民BeAware 1066 0 萨古鲁:如何让我的思想变得纯洁? 无名觉者 798 0 ...
At the same time he also learnt the Mevlevi Turning, a sacred Sufi dance of movement, prayer and meditation. 在此期间,他阅读了所有能找到的俄罗斯哲学家邬斯宾斯基的内容,并学习了葛吉夫律动。20世纪70年代末,他参加了克里希那穆提在布罗克伍德公园举行的最后一场集会,那里离他童年的家很近,克里希那...
Introduction to Yoga Meditation Many people have recognised or glimpsed the fact that consciousness is the shared essence of all beings and things, and yet still feel their body and perceive the world in a way that corresponds with the old belief that dead, inert matter is the ultimate reali...
Rupert Spira:最高层次的冥想:有觉知地成为觉知的临在。The Highest Meditation _ 鲁伯特斯彼拉 2538 4 6:38 App Rupert Spira:生活只需一条准则。We Only Need One Commandment鲁伯特斯彼拉 2286 -- 8:00 App Rupert Spira:人死后会消失吗?Is There Life After Death 鲁伯特斯彼拉 2491 5 15:02 App Rupert ...
Vienna 'The Still Point' Meetup Group Vienna, Austria Wednesday Morning Meditation - from the Teachings of Rupert Spira Austin, Texas USA West London Non-Duality Meetup Group In person at John’s home in Kew, West London Email Sign Up Sign up to receive weekly newsletterRupert...
Rupert Spira:不要把自我参问变成一个练习。Don't Turn Self-Enquiry into a Discipline - 鲁伯特斯彼拉 意识星球住民BeAware 3269 0 Rupert Spira:最高层次的冥想:有觉知地成为觉知的临在。The Highest Meditation _ 鲁伯特斯彼拉 意识星球住民BeAware 8088 15 Rupert Spira:信念和见解会自动脱落。Beliefs Fall...
The first words he ever heard Francis say were, ‘Meditation is a universal “yes” to everything.’ Although it was the kind of statement anyone might encounter on the spiritual path, this moment was pivotal in Rupert’s life: ‘I realised that I had arrived home, that this encounter ...