Murdoch's last wife was the former supermodel Jerry Hall, whom he divorced in 2022. His other previous wives were Wendi Deng, Anna Murdoch Mann and Patricia Booker. He has six children. The wedding this summer will come after a year of setbacks for the Murdoch empire in 2023, including a...
In 1991 the Murdoch family moved to Los Angeles. Anna had felt like an outsider in New York; in the Los Angeles home she was the happiest that she had been since leaving Australia. Fueled by profits from his London holdings, Murdoch quickly bought back control of his businesses. In Februar...
You won't find Murdoch's wives, children or even his mother in The Murdoch Archipelago, except in fleeting cameos. This is instead an extended polemic against Murdoch the politician, and his poisonous, distorting influence on the public life of Australia, Britain, the US and China. Page r...