HOMELAND剧组官方第一时间推出的纪念视频——Farewell Peter Quinn (Rupert Friend) - Season 6 Finale回顾了QUINN和CARRIE相识相处的点滴,他的英勇镜头,配乐婉转忧伤,最后配上QUINN的遗书中最感人的两句:只要记住我是海角的灯光,是灯塔,在礁石之间为你指明方向。你的,现在永远是你的,Quinn 播放出现小问题,请 刷新 ...
Rupert_Friend图集,Homeland国土安全角色Peter Quinn图集,演员Rupert Friend相关消息。无责任不定期更新。搬糖小快手。。Rupert_Friend图集的微博主页、个人资料、相册。新浪微博,随时随地分享身边的新鲜事儿。
奎恩的扮演者#Rupert Friend在拍摄Homeland##国土安全#新季时受伤,右脚踝骨头断裂,所以新季的拍摄做了些大的调整,只能先拍些没有他或是即使出镜也不需要做剧烈活动的戏份...由此可见在新季中奎恩不会是一直处于昏迷状态或是躺在病床上《国土安全》虽然第六季要到北京时间2017年1月16日才播出,但早已经获得了第...
Jeff Bridges/Rupert Friend/Symba(六月 10, 2022)Season 20, Episode 130-Self - Guest In Creative Company(2022) (Podcast Series)-Self(1 episode, 2022) Anatomy of a Scandal with Sienna Miller, Rupert Friend, Michelle Dockery and Naomi Scott(四月 18, 2022)Season 3, Episode 103-Self ...
On 9-10-1981 Rupert Friend was born in Oxfordshire, England, United Kingdom. He made his 4 million dollar fortune with The Libertine, Steve, Starred Up & Homeland. The actor is dating Aimee Mullins, his starsign is Libra and he is now 43 years of age. ...
About a week ago, "Homeland" star Rupert Friend invited his fans to ask him questions, promising that he would answer the ten best "sometime before Christmas." Christmas came early—take some time to get to know Rupert Friend. Dear all, Thank you so much for all your wonderful questions...
【TNABO】Rup..“Homeland” star Rupert Friend is in talks to replace Paul Walker as the star of “Agent 47,” an actio
“Homeland” starRupert Friendis in talks to replacePaul Walkeras the star of “Agent 47,” an action movie that serves as a reboot of the 2007Timothy Olyphantfilm “Hitman,” multiple individuals familiar with the Fox International Productions project have told TheWrap. ...
the graduate when her friend penny fowler, murdoch’s niece, suggested they meet. murdoch and hall spent months emailing and talking on the phone before she agreed to a lunch date in new york. when hall arrived, her hotel room was filled with flowers and chocolates. “he was an old-...
分享1赞 国土安全吧 skyrunenjoy 【官方纪念视频】Farewell Peter Quinn (Rupert Friend)HOMELAND剧组官方第一时间推出的纪念视频——Farewell Peter Quinn (Rupert Friend) - Season 6 Finale 回顾了QUINN和CARRIE相识相处的点滴,他的英勇镜头,配乐婉转忧伤,最后配上QUINN的遗书中最感人的两句: 只要记住我是海角的灯...