On June 24, 2021, an exclusive playlist by RuPaul Charles for Balenciaga was released to be available to stream or download on Apple Music. Launching simultaneously, limited-edition Balenciaga x RuPaul merchandise was available in stores and on Balenciaga.com. Known mononymously as RuPaul, the ...
RuPaul Charles has paid tribute to drag queen The Vivienne, hailing their passion for "love and life" at the opening of RuPaul's DragCon UK event in east London. The death of James Lee Williams, whose drag name was The Vivienne, wasannounced last weekend. The 32-year-old star won the...
RuPaul Andre Charles,这位变装皇后不仅在时尚界享有盛名,她的宅邸也同样令人瞩目。她的家以好莱坞摄政风格为灵感,这种风格在20世纪30至50年代风靡一时,以其极繁主义和华丽风格著称。设计师Bullard与建筑师Christopher Hatch McLean携手改造了这座宅邸,他们不仅整顿了建筑部件,还为廊柱增添了新古典主义风格的装饰。改造后...
所属专辑:英语口语听力 | 崔娃脱口秀 声音简介 原版高清|323集,日更10集 崔娃是一名喜剧演员,不一定代表全方位正确的观点,不一定高举正义旗帜,更多意义上来说,他只是用喜剧的外衣,呈现着悲剧的现实。 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑 声音主播
Cover Girl - Lucian Piane/RuPaul Charles/RuPaul Andre Charles Stroll down the runway Another payday Cover of magazines And when they see me They want to be me I am your fantasy Cover girl Put the bass in your walk Head to toe let your whole body talk Cover girl put ...
RuPaul Charles has paid tribute to drag queen The Vivienne, hailing their passion for "love and life" at the opening of RuPaul's DragCon UK event in east London. The death of James Lee Williams, whose drag name was The Vivienne, wasannounced last weekend. ...
RuPaul Charles (USA) is adding another accolade to his growing roster of incredible achievements - Guinness World Records title holder for themost Emmy wins for Outstanding Host for a Reality or Competition Program. As host for his primetime hit show,RuPaul’s Drag Race,his fifth win ...
出演艺人 RuPaul Charles 表演者 作曲和作词 RuPaul Charles 词曲作者 Fredrick Miñano 词曲作者 制作和工程 RuPaul Charles 制作人 Fredrick Miñano 制作人 更多RuPaul的作品 American American Read U Wrote U (Ellis Miah Mix) [feat. The Cast of RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars, Season 2] -...
🎨 RuPaul Andre Charles,这位好莱坞的“变装皇后”,不仅在娱乐圈独树一帜,更以其逾40年的创作生涯成为了美与华丽的代名词。他的家,同样充满了传奇与梦幻色彩,仿佛一座五光十色的宫殿。🎉 设计师巧妙地将好莱坞摄政风格的狂热梦想融入其中,让RuPaul的家不仅是一个居住空间,更是一个充满好莱坞式时髦活泼、张扬...
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