在图1h中,位于521 cm-1, 639 cm-1和710cm-1处的Raman特征峰对应于RuO2,在非晶态和晶态样品中均能观察到。在图1g中,a-、lc-和hc-RuO2纳米片在1.47 Å处的峰对应于Ru-O键,而不是2.34 Å处的Ru-Ru键;同时,EXAFS曲线的强度可以定性地表明化学键的配位数。 图2. (a)所制备出样品在电催化硝酸盐...
同步辐射丨球差电镜丨FIB-TEM 原位XPS、原位XRD、原位Raman、原位FTIR 加急测试 朱老师 158 7177 4683 学研汇是全球科研服务创新平台,长期致力于科研测试技术服务。基于国内外顶级科研单位和仪器公司的商业资源,以及数千名科技顾问,为全球科研...
此外,在2.54Å处的新峰表明了FeSA-RuO2中形成了Ru-O-Fe1结构,这一结论得到了WT-EXAFS结果的进一步证实(图3e,f)。结合HAADF-STEM与XAS的分析结果,并综合考虑XRD、Raman和XPS的表征结果,可以认为,FeSA-RuO2/HPCS样品中的Fe物种是以原子级分散的形式存在的,并与RuO2基底产生了明显了电子相互作用。 图1. FeSA-...
同步辐射丨球差电镜丨FIB-TEM 原位XPS、原位XRD、原位Raman、原位FTIR 加急测试 朱老师 学研汇技术经理 158 7177 4683 www.xueyanhui.com
Fig. 5: DFT calculations and in situ Raman spectra. a Top views of pure RuO2, RuO2-VO, RuO2-VRu, RuO2-T, and RuO2-T-VRu, O. The red and indigo balls represent the O and Ru atoms, respectively. The black circles and yellow highlights denote the active sites and vacancy, respecti...
Raman spectra of inorganic solidsruthenium compounds/ Raman spectrarutileRuO 2Raman-active phonon modes/ A6320D Phonon states and bands, normal modes, and phonon dispersion A7830G Infrared and Raman spectra in inorganic crystalsWe report the first Raman investigation of the rutile material RuO 2. ...
The red-shifts of the peak positions and broadening of linewidths of the Raman features were attributed to both the size and residual stress effects.doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2010.10.121Y.C. SuC.A. ChenY.M. ChenY.S. HuangK.Y. Lee...
Raman scattering characterization of well-aligned RuO2 and IrO2 nanocrystals. J Raman Spectrosc 2007;38: 737-49.A.V. Korotcov, Y.-S. Huang, K.-K. Tiong, D.-S. Tsai, Raman scattering characterization of well-aligned RuO2 and IrO2 nanocrystals, J. Raman Spectrosc. 38 (2007) 737....
Raman spectra were collected on a LabRAM HR Evolution Confocal Raman Microscope equipped with an aberration-corrected Czerny Turner total reflection spectrometer (HORIBA JY). In situ ATR-IR spectra were recorded on a Nicolet iS50 FT-IR spectrometer (Thermo Scientific) equipped with MCT-A detector ...
The higher content of low-valent Ru species on the surface of py-RuO2:Zn catalyst remained under the OER conditions, as confirmed by the Raman measurements (Supplementary Fig. 13). Since the TEM data in Fig. 1i confirmed the presence of the rutile phase in py-RuO2:Zn, a higher Ru3+...