遇到 `RuntimeError 13 Type Mismatch` 错误时,通常意味着你的程序在某个操作中使用了不兼容的数据类型。要修复这个问题,你可以按照以下步骤进行:1. **检查数据类型**:首先确认引发错误的代码行所涉及的所有变量或对象的数据类型。查看它们是否被正确声明,以及是否在使用时符合预期的类型。2. **调...
1、右键打开任务栏右下角的时间 2、单击“调整日期/时间(A)”3、把自动设置时间设置为关,在设置为开 注意:必须有网络,因为这个时候正在获取北京时间。完美解决!!!
解决方案:在 ‘开始'-> '运行'->‘%systemroot%\system32\dumprep 0 -k’ 并在注册表的启动项添加此进程 添加方法:'开始’->‘运行’->‘regedit’->' HKLM(MACHINE)\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVission\Run->新建一个字符(ab形式)的值 名称命名为:KernelFaultCheck 双击后,付值为:...
today when I opened and restarted the file, it throws an error message i.e.,Microsoft Visual Basic Runtime Error 13 Type Mismatch in Excel. I did not change anything in the macro and I do not know why I am getting this error. Please, help!” ...
Part 1: Overview of Runtime Error 13? Basically, Runtime error 13 is a type of mismatch error that gets triggered when you’ll try to execute VBA code that contains mismatched data types. However, there are several other reasons that may trigger the Runtime Error 13. A few of these rea...
Try to start your antivirus and check the system; this may be the reason for the runtime error 13 type mismatch. Just before starting the scan, make sure that your antivirus is updated and functions well. The result of the procedure depends on it. ...