VBA Runtime Error 1004 occurs while you are executing a macro in Excel. It’s an error that can occur due to several reasons. In the below example, as you can see, when I run the code, it shows the run-time error ‘1004’. In simple words, you can also say it occurs when you ...
Usually, a runtime error makes the VBA code stop, and the user is shown a dialog box. This box reveals the error number along with a description of the error. VBA Runtime Error 1004is a common runtime error that occurs when working with Microsoft Excel macros and, more broadly, with V...
VBA Runtime Error 1004 while assigning formula to a cell I have created a small macro to apply a currency conversion with a fixed factor on selected cells. Sub ApplyUSD_ConversionRate() ' ' Devides through USD_ConversionRate on selected cells ' Dim cel As Range Dim selectedRang...
Excel Macros and VBA Reply View Full Discussion (6 Replies)Show Parent Replies kata___ Copper Contributor to HansVogelaar HansVogelaar Thank you, but now there is Run-time error '1004': Application-defined or object-defined error in the same area. Do...
1) Tool to convert VBA to C++ native code? 2) Does Access VBA App compile to native code or MSIL ? 3155 Insert into Linked Table error 32 Bit Database File - How To Open In Access 2010 in 64 Bit 64 Bit Access Changes - PtrSafe 64 bit Office to open 32 bit ...
Run I_PROCESS "sNewfilenameKPS ??End Sub ???test result: ??1) Test with 9.5.1 and Excel 2003 -> everything works fine ???2) Test with 9.5.1 and Excel 2007 -> when the macro I_PROCESS is called, "Runtime Error 1004 Application-defined or object-defined error" occurs ???Note:...
Have you ever encountered a run time error 424 in Excel? If you do, this post may help you fix this object-required VBA error with several workable solutions. Read on to get your methods and how to fix Excel files once they are damaged.
VBA 脚本兼容 WinCC (TIA Portal) 面板或者 PC Runtime 创建的归档,同时也兼容 WinCC flexible 面板或者 PC Runtime 创建的归档。 需求 由Excel 处理的 CSV 文件中的变量归档的单个变量元素(名称、值、归档时间)之间必须以分号作为...
VBA RunTime错误445是指在使用VBA编程语言时,尝试使用Application.FileSearch方法时出现的错误。在较新的Office版本中,该方法已被弃用,因此尝试使用该方法会导致运行时错误。 Application.FileSearch方法是用于在指定文件夹中搜索文件的功能。它可以根据文件名、文件类型、修改日期等条件进行搜索,并返回符合条件的文件...
Le temps : excel运行时1004错误时可解决方式如下:1、以Excel2016为例,单击“文件”菜单。2、在弹出列表中选择“选项”。3、在弹出的Excel选项对话框中,选择“信任中心”,点击右侧“信任中心设置”按钮。4、在弹出的“信任中心”对话框中,选择“宏设置”,勾选“信任对VBA工程对象模型的访问”,再点击确认即可。