Re: Runtime error 6 "Overflow" -how do I fix this? Welcome to VBForums The "Overflow" error means that you are trying to put a number into a variable (or property etc), and the data type of the variable doesn't allow numbers that large. As you didn't mention wher...
The visible part of the code in the first screenshot doesn't seem to have an error! However, the Overflow error is one of the most popular runtime errors in VBA, please check out this documentation article to learn more about it and how to fix it. Regards Reply PeterGallin ...
Runtime error 6 overflow with Dim Double. MacOS Catalina - Excel 2019 - VBA 7.1Show More Macros and VBA Reply View Full Discussion (14 Replies)Show Parent Replies PeterGallin Copper Contributor to Haytham Amairah Haytham Amairah I have exactly the same problem as isabelaj: When ...
Wednesday, April 16, 2014 6:58 PM Hello. I have a very simple code in VBA that inexplicably fails in the immediate window. The code is: prettyprint Workbooks.Open FileName:="C:\Users\myuser\Documents\workbook1.xls", UpdateLinks:=False, ReadOnly:=True ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs FileName:="C...
Simple Arithmetic Operations on Integral Type Values with Overflow Check in Microsoft Visual C and C++ Simple JSON parser which I can include in my code size_t: redefinition; different basic types sleep less than a milisecond? sleep(int) Small string optimization buffer size in Visual Studio 201...
If you're on Linux or macOS then there's no other built-in solution; but you could try something like Thanks for your input@bartonjs, I've used pem-utils,
VBA Runtime Error 6 Written by Mel Jenkins Reviewed by Steve Rynearson Last updated on May 2, 2022 This article will explain the VBA Runtime error 6. Run-time error 6 in VBA is the Overflowerror. This means that a variable has been declared as one numeric data type, and then populated...
Runtime error 6 overflow with Dim Double. MacOS Catalina - Excel 2019 - VBA 7.1 PeterGallin Same problem is occurring with MacOS 13.5.1, MS Excel for Mac 16.78, Office 365. Sub test2() Dim a As Long Dim b As Long a = 0 b = 10...
Runtime error 6 overflow with Dim Double. MacOS Catalina - Excel 2019 - VBA 7.1 Show Parent Replies Haytham Amairah Silver Contributor to PeterGallin PeterGallin A similar problem is discussed here in thislink. Haytham AmairahThank you for your answer. But my problem isnotthe sam...