then the command executes on that database partition. Otherwise, the command executes on the first database partition in the database partition group across
[db2inst1@xifenfei ~]$ db2 "runstats on table db2inst1.t_01xff on all columns with distribution and detailed indexes all" DB20000I The RUNSTATScommandcompleted successfully. [db2inst1@xifenfei ~]$ db2"select STATS_TIME from syscat.tables where tabname in('T_01XFF')" STATS_TIME --- ...
(2)语句是通过Command Line Processor提交的,或者语句是应用程序中的一条动态SQL语句(也就是说,这是一条在应用程序运行时构造的SQL语句),则访问计划将在该语句发出时生成,而所生成的可执行形式则临时地存储在内存中(位于全局包缓冲区pck cache heap中),而不是系统目录。(若发出了一条SQL语句,而全局包缓冲区中...
The view must be previously enabled for use in query optimization by using the ALTER VIEW statement. Scope You can issue the RUNSTATS command from any database partition in the db2nodes.cfg file. You can use the command to update the catalogs on the catalog database partition. For tables, ...
RUNSTATS ON TABLE db2admin.department FOR INDEXES db2admin.INX1, db2admin.INX2, db2admin.INX3 示例8:只收集所有索引上的目录统计信息 RUNSTATS ON TABLE db2admin.department FOR INDEXES ALL 如果创建新的索引,而在最后一次执行 RUNSTATS 以后还未修改相应的表,那么您可以只收集索引上的目录统计信息。在创...
The recommendation would be to collect statistics on all tables when the table is at its normal operational volume. The options included on the RUNSTATS command would be the same as the options used for non-VOLATILE tables (i.e. include index, distribution, and column group stats as required...
RUNSTATS ON TABLE db2admin.department AND INDEXES ALL SET PROFILE ONLY RUNSTATS 中的子句“SET PROFILE ONLY”不收集统计信息。 示例22:注册一个统计信息配置文件,并执行所存储统计信息配置文件的 RUNSTATS 命令选项来收集目录统计信息 RUNSTATS ON TABLE db2admin.department AND INDEXES ALL SET PROFILE ...
SAP Managed Tags: IBM Db2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Hello, we use the new feature AUTO_RUNSTATS. In the SAP System in TA DB13 is nothing planned in because we use a job scheduling system. Now we are confused about note 860724. What does the job Stats_Check? Why is he needed...
FM/DB2 は、「RUNSTATS Utility (Indexes) (RUNSTATS ユーティリティー (索引スペース))」パネルの 代替形式を表示し、指定した LISTDEF、および RUNSTATS ステートメントのキーワードと対応する いくつかの編集可能なフィールドが示されます。
If you entered information in theDatabase nameorTable/index space namefilter fields on the Db2 Utilities panel, the displayed rows are limited to the Db2 objects that match the information you specified. To select a table space from those displayed, typeSin theSelcolumn. An asterisk (*) in ...