Runoff Water Cycle To fully understand the definition of runoff, look at its role within the water cycle process. As shown in the diagram below, clouds unleash water in the form of rain, sleet, ice, or snow. This precipitation lands on the ground and accumulates in an existing waterbody ...
Also, check out: Water Cycle In A Bag Why is stormwater runoff a problem? When rainwater can’t soak into the ground in urban areas because of pavement, the water is forced to run along streets and parking lots, picking up pollutants. Stormwater runoff can contain chemicals, paint, buildi...
Water Cycle Lesson for Kids: Definition & Facts from Chapter 9 / Lesson 26 98K Learn about the water cycle, a repeated process that moves water around the planet. Discover the four stages of the water cycle and what they do: evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and collection. Related...