Water Running Underground来源: Freesound 前往原页面 查看译文 作者: TrygveN 许可: CC0 公众共享许可协议 描述: A underground concrete water reservoir recorded from the inside using a Zoom H4. 标签: scary reservoir deep mystical water ——— 类似的声音 ——— 水通过金属管 by TrygveN 来源Fr...
Stream of water underground running by agricultural pipes Author credit line ID247793748 ©Ianm35 | Dreamstime.com Image keywords Agricultural Pipes Water Running Stream Underground Agricultural Pipes Nature Landscape Forest River Beauty Health Mountain ...
a method wherein an elastic packer is attached to the whole outer circumference in the intermediate part of a water passage in a probe and water in a set amount is pumped up for a set time from the inside of the hole or water in a set amount is supplied to the inside of the hole....
47. run a bath to turn on the taps to fill a bath with water for bathing oneself 48. run close to compete closely with; present a serious challenge to: he got the job, but a younger man ran him close. 49. run for it informal to attempt to escape from arrest, etc, by running...
- 1979 - 134 - www.sciencedirect.comdoi:10.1016/0148-9062(79)90110-4None
Deathdream (Blue Underground 4K Ultra disc) Real heads know this Bob Clark-Alan Ownsby variant on “The Monkey’s Paw” is one of the lowkey horror greats of the early ‘70s. The formula? Two Canadian filmmakers decamp to Florida, cast the lead actors of Cassavetes’ Faces as another tet...
[or from direct methane gas leaks into aquifers and water wells. We've had reports, especially from mining areas such as portions of Pennsylvania in the U.S. in which underground methane was seeping into the well through rock fissures. On 2016-01-19 by Jean This is a serious question!
Author credit line ID209467626 ©Siam Sriwat | Dreamstime.com Image keywords Sewage Water Water Way Water Running Soil Sewage Nature Background Environment Industry Oil Industrial Pollution Stream Garbage Urban Flow Waste Underground Environmental ...
an underground Central and Wan Chai Bypassrunningparallel to GloucesterRoad,andlinked to the Island Eastern Corridor. legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 為了應付較長遠的交通需求,未來的㆗區及灣仔填海工程計劃㆗,其㆗㆒項工程是 在㆞底興建㆒條與告士打道平行的㆗區及灣仔繞道,連接東區走廊。
Naperville Running Company: NRC North, NRC South, NRC Wheaton, NRC Annex:The locally owned, independent NRC has three locations, plus a track club and a reservable space called the Underground for events like cross-country team pasta parties. Head to the Annex location for closeout deals and ...