I have a HP 2000 Laptop with AMD HD 6310 Graphics card. I hooked up two external monitors (VGA/HDMI), but one will not work. It shows up, but it says it's
So this is a very first world problem but I've been pulling my hair out over this trying to figure something out. So I have my system in my sig and I'm trying to run one game on monitor 1 using my 1080 ti, that works fine, but on the second monitor I am
There are two basic components of any Windows antivirus program: Memory-resident scanningorreal-time protectionmonitors all files and processes that are loaded and running in a computer's active memory. File-level scanningrefers to checking files on the hard disk for viruses manually or on a reg...
Interestingly, I did not get any alert, that there are only two monitors running. That's a problem as well! Expected behavior: Three monitors running. File(s) to submit: Cluster CR (custom resource), typically calledcluster.yaml, if necessary ...
✅ Windows 11: "Wifiprotected setup" keeps running:I recently added a realtek wireless dongle to my PC.Now I'm testing a soft access point nearby that is advertising a wifi service.Annoyingly, I keep...
and there’s no tearing. Ideally you want a wide enough adaptive sync range to allow for every eventuality you will encounter, so check the specifications of any monitor you are considering using. On 144Hz gaming monitors you’re basically covered no matter what, because even below the adaptiv...
symptom is that the two screens goes to standby This setup used to work on win11, but stopped working before I moved to linux 2024-06-19 18:29:49 Hi, thanks for the response FYI, downgrading the UEFI drivers made it work on ubuntu, suspect it...
I have two monitors and I am still not able to have normal chat of my email (Do not confuse with the Chat of the event) in one window, and the live event in other.
I wrote this post as a proof of concept and as a best effort to make a 16-bit application run on Windows 10 64-bit. It will be demonstrated...
⚠️ Please verify that this bug has NOT been raised before. I checked and didn't find similar issue 🛡️ Security Policy I agree to have read this project Security Policy Description Hi, i'm trying to monitor some websites (that are definit...