Goodr BFG Sunglasses – Very overpriced for the quality but they get the job done and if you drop them on a rocky section and scratch the crap out of them you’re only mildly annoyed rather than going “!(@&)&!%##!! that’s $150 down the toilet!!!111!” that you might do for...
Goodr BFG Sunglasses – Very overpriced for the quality but they get the job done and if you drop them on a rocky section and scratch the crap out of them you’re only mildly annoyed rather than going “!(@&)&!%##!! that’s $150 down the toilet!!!111!” that you might do for...
The other day (while toilet-deodorizer-shopping), I had a weekend-warrior-type ask where my rig was parked. I said I was full-timing at blah-de-blah-RV-resort — he responded, “I’ve never camped there before.” I smiled conspiratorially, gave an Eric-Idle-worthy nudge-nudge-wink-...