SQL query from file As your query becomes more complex, it might be useful to store it in a file rather than specify it on the command line. To do so replace the query argument with--fileor-fand the path to the file. $ dsq data1.csv data2.csv -f query.sql ...
Commandline tool for running SQL queries against JSON, CSV, Excel, Parquet, and more. - kelvin-qin/dsq
I tested it in the command window as well and it ran. I'm at a loss does anyone have any ideas as to what I need to do to fix this. The DBA has said that the job has access and I am able to create the excel file on the server. I'm running the version of SQL. Microsoft ...
In addition, each SQL*Module user can have one or more user (or local) configuration files. To activate the user configuration file, its name and path must be specified using the CONFIG= command-line option. See "Command-Line Options". The user configuration file is optional. ...
compiles the module filemy_test1.madto produce an output file calledmy_test1_mod.a. The username ismodtest. Since in this example no password was provided on the command line, SQL*Module prompts you for one when it starts. SQL*Module requires a valid username and password to compile a ...
%sql select * from enrichedEvents order by hoursDriven desc limit 20 Table or view not found: enrichedEvents; line 1 pos 14 set zeppelin.spark.sql.stacktrace = true to see full stacktrace Why this error coming in HDP 2.6.0 where no issues with HDP 3.0 sandbox. Any confugration changes...
SQL debugging supports attaching to a single process only. If the debugger is able to attach to some, but not all, code types, you see a message identifying which types failed to attach. If the debugger successfully attaches to at least one code type, you can proceed to debug...
How to: Convert a Visual Studio 2010 Database Projects to SQL Server Database Projects & Retarget to a Different Platform How to: Specify Predeployment or Postdeployment Scripts Project-Oriented Database Development using Command-Line Tools Connected Database Development Compare & Synchronize Data in...
【错误】Error running ‘xxx项目’: Command line is too long. Shorten command line for xxx or also for Spring Boot default configuration. 根据错误信息可知,指令太过长,根据提示缩短指令即可。 在IDEA中找到 Run-> Edit Configurations打开: 在Environment-> Shorten command line 的内容配置为JAR即可解决: ...
Use the -i or --interactive flag to enter an interactive REPL where you can run multiple SQL queries.$ dsq some-large-file.json -i dsq> SELECT COUNT(1) FROM {}; +---+ | COUNT(1) | +---+ | 1000 | +---+ (1 row) dsq> SELECT * FROM {} WHERE NAME = 'Kevin'; (0 rows...