Converting powershell scripts to c# code converting the c# application into .exe file Converting TimeSpan to DateTime Copy a file to shared network location with C#. Copy an Image to Clipboard in PNG format Copy Data From One Column to another column in Same Data Table Copy int as a value...
Check if an array is in another bigger array using linq. check if an element that have Attribute with matching Value EXIST or NOT in XDocument?? Check if application being run from any Remote Desktop Connection Check if DateTime is valid Check if dateTimePicker value is before today check if...
PS C:\dev\loadtest> & c:/dev/loadtest/env/Scripts/activate.ps1 & : File C:\dev\loadtest\env\Scripts\activate.ps1 cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system. For more information, see about_Execution_Policies at https:/ At...
For more information, refer to Running and debugging scripts. The PyCharm built-in debugger can automatically reconnect to running Node.js processes. This lets you debug Node.js applications that use the nodemon utility, which automatically reloads your Node.js process when the code is updated. ...
Here's two useful scripts for working with the Nginx cache: nginx cache inspectorallows you to inspect the cache files. nginx cache purgeallows you to purge and item or set of items from the Nginx cache. The configuration of the example vhosts usesseparatesockets for IPv6 and IPv4. This wa...
Host Options enable or disable various Windows Script Host features. Host options are preceded by two slashes (//).Script name is the name of the script file with extension and necessary path information, for example, d:\admin\vbscripts\chart.vbs. Script options and parameters are passed to ...
When using the ant(.cmd) wrapper scripts you can do so with the help of the ANT_OPTS environment variable.Starting with Ant 1.10.8 we've introduced a new Ant property ant.tmpdir that takes precedence over when set. As this is a normal Ant property it can be set via ...
Running Scripts To run a script from Windows Explorer or My Computer Double-click the script file name. The default host (WScript or CScript) is used for script output. To run a script at a command prompt At a command prompt, type WScript or CScript followed by the script file name, as...
operation not permitted running shell scripts Hello, I have already done the full disk access to terminal step as suggested. All commands in my text script (just simple command lines like "mv x y"). All commands work when I place them at the prompt. I used chmod +x, also ...
The package.json of the electron app is as follow: {"name":"electron-app","version":"1.0.0","description":"","main":"main.js","scripts":{"test":"echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1","start":"electron .","build":"electron-package ."},"keywords":[],...