bundle exec rake test bundle exec rails server We can now access the default start page at localhost:3000. It's not a very useful app, but it'll do for our purpose. Now, let's move this app to use in a Docker-based environment. Step 1: Installing Docker If you already have Docker...
docker volume create ruby-bundle-cachealiasdocked='docker run --rm -it -v ${PWD}:/rails -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -v ruby-bundle-cache:/bundle -p 3000:3000 ghcr.io/rails/cli' Then create your Rails app: docked rails new weblogcdweblog docked rails generate scaffold post title:str...
https://www.docker.com/blog/introducing-docker-build-checks/ By default, running a Docker build with warnings will not cause the build to fail (return a non-zero exit code). To raise errors on warnings# check=error=truedeclaration should be added to the Dockerfile. Also, an official Docke...
Is the server running on the localhost host ( and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432 in Rails? Solution: Within Docker, individual "services" operate in separate containers, meaning that the Rails application and the database would run in their own...
In our case, several Docker containers are running. One is running Nginx and another is our app in question (written using Ruby on Rails). Previously, http/https traffic would be filtered using Nginx and sent off to the app. Now, I’m completely unable to access this app. When I go ...
【解决】docker启动报错:Running modprobe xt_conntrack failed with message: `modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'xt_conntrack'... 2019-5-9 昨天给一台新机器装安装docker,但报错了,解决了一整天也没有头绪。今天起了个大早,破天荒的吃了早饭,然后继续解决。终于找到了问题。 报错详情...
I'm using the shell executor for the runner (gitlab and runner are on ubuntu 16.04) Edit: as written in a comment below steps to reproduce the problem: create a project with a simplegitlab-ci.ymlfile: build:stage: buildtags:- ubuntu_amd64script:- ping localhost ...
This consistently fails, five times in a row: script:-exportDOCKER_HOST=tcp://localhost:2375&&docker build--pull-t${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}.Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at tcp://localhost:2375. Is the docker daemon running? (dockerhostname is mapped to localhost so it's the same as ...
# Using a workflow to run 2 jobs in parallel with only one build# Make sure we're using CircleCI 2.0version:2jobs:test_build:macos:xcode:"10.2.1"shell:"/bin/bash --login -eo pipefail"steps:-checkout-run:name:Setup New DerivedData Foldercommand:mkdir DerivedData-run:name:Build For Test...
This talk is a very quick intro to Docker, Terraform, and Amazon's EC2 Container Service (ECS). In just 15 minutes, you'll see how to take two apps (a Rails frontend and a Sinatra backend), package them as Docker containers, run them using Amazon ECS, and to define all of the inf...