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The CNY Running website is designed to be a fun and useful online interactive resource for Central New York area runners where they can find and post upcoming road races, and post news about local running. Do you have an area road race that you’d like posted on the race calendar? Post...
So, I'll start off by saying 2024 was a total s**t show as far as running and racing went. I had very high hopes and the season started really well. My first two races came out strong and I figured I was going to build off of 2023's successful year and turn it up a notch. ...
“The Mastercard New York Mini 10K is one of those special races that I always have circled on my calendar,” Sisson said. “Although my summer will look a little different this year with a marathon in Paris in August, I wouldn’t miss the chance to race with New York Road Runners in...
December 27, 2023 Running through 2023 2023 was a good year for running. I ran 18 races this year, three more than last year, and the most since the start of the pandemic. I ran two marathons, a large number of trail races, and half of these events were over 15 kilometers or longe...
I saw we were thin, we were fat, we were tall, we were short, we were of all races; some of us were twisted, some wasted, some blind; one ran upon a metal spring in place of a foot; we were young, we were old – one runner older still, for on his back I read, ‘Born ...
He makes me pick a date 6 months from now. Every time I'm like, oh, I'm going to guess this one. No promises. Rob: They're the first one on your calendar. So, good for them. Michael: That's true. He usually wins that slot because then we just end up schedu...
I must admit things used to be more spontaneous and much simpler when running was my only discipline, but the questions I now have to answer before putting any stand-alone race on my calendar (not only running but also cycling races) are: Does the date fit in my blocks? How far is ...
I can say that it was quite a ride that started in December of last year after I ran California International Marathon and continued with many long trail runs in the weekend, two 50K races, my first 50-mile race that took me 12 hours to complete because of the poor weather conditions, ...
Like Renee Zellweger in Jerry Macguire, “you had me at beer and food”. Plus, I generally like trail running, even occasionally joining the Harbison Trail Runners from time to time for their various excursions to ridiculously hard races in the mountains. Though this race is technically a ...