I try to use any command in rabbitmqctl with docker # docker compose file services: etl_broker: hostname: etl_broker image: rabbitmq:3.7-management restart: always environment: RABBITMQ_ERLANG_COOKIE: '123456' RABBITMQ_NODENAME: 'rabbitm...
Define default command ADD init.sh /init.sh RUN chown rabbitmq:rabbitmq /init.sh RUN chmod +x /init.sh CMD ["/init.sh"] Step 6/8 : RUN chown rabbitmq:rabbitmq /init.sh ---> Running in e2e1bb7905bc ERROR: Service 'rabbitmq' failed to build : The command '/bin/sh -c chown...
it can talk to RabbitMQ withlocalhost- however, when running inside of Docker, where each component (ie. webapp, consoleapp, and RabbitMQ) are in their
centos出现“FirewallD is not running”解决方案 最近在阿里云服务器centos上安装了rabbitmq,默认是不开启远端访问功能,需要设置一下防火墙,在开放端口5672和15672时提示FirewallD is not running,经过排查发现是防火墙就没打开造成的,出于安装考虑还是把防火墙开上吧,以下步骤仅供参考。 1.执行开放端口5672和15672命令 ...
Community Docker image(on GitHub) Chef cookbook Puppet module are some popular options. Durable Storage on EBS Volumes On Linux, RabbitMQ will use the following directories for its node data directory: /var/lib/rabbitmq/to store persistent data like the messages or queues ...
I tried running the RabbitMQ container first without docker compose using the following command: docker run --rm -it -p 15672:15672 -p 5672:5672 rabbitmq:3-management before trying to start the python container but it throws the same error and vice-versa. show post in topic Related...
docker, docker-compose priyanka1218 (Priyanka1218) July 9, 2021, 12:55pm 1 I have a python docker container that is dependent on rabbitmq. I tried to link these two containers using docker-compose file: version: "3.8" services: rabbitmq: image: rabbitmq:3-management hostname: my-r...
ERROR: node with name "rabbit" already running on "localhost" 2019-12-02 15:29 −rabbitmqctl start_app启动没有这个问题... RoyFans 0 3118 airflow--Error: Already running on PID 22603 (or pid file '/home/rdev/airflow/airflow-webserver.pid' is stale) ...
2019-12-16 13:58 −1. rabbitmq安装 - 使用docker搜索、拉取镜像、运行为容器 ```Python docker search rabbitmq docker pull rabbitmq 若不指定版本,默认拉取最新的版本 docker run -d --name rabbit -... 疯狂列表推导式 0 1018 <123>
rabbitmq-66bf858977-wg8p51/1 Running079s shipping-77cd4d7cf5-4mmz61/1 Running079s user-5f858cb484-bgrnd1/1 Running079s user-db-57d4bd5d56-68h861/1 Running079s user-load-59b58b868f-2nz571/1 Running078s Bash When all the services are running,...