Learn how to show all running queries in SQL server using Skyvia Query - online SQL query builder SELECT SP.spid, RIGHT(CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD(ms, DATEDIFF(ms, SP.last_batch, GETDATE()), '2000-01-01'), 121), 12) AS last_batch_duration, SP.program_name, SP.hostname, SP.loginame...
2.导出为XML mysql--xmlisfdb < isfdb-001.sql >isfdb-001.xml
For each FlowField in the table, an OUTER APPLY clause is added to the SQL statement.How to isolate and test FlowField queriesIf you want to see the cost of each of these subqueries, you can disable the SmartSQL optimization. To do this, run the Busi...
I've worked on running sql queries through the Polarion Java API. Something I've done: StringBuilder sqlQuery = new StringBuilder("select * from WORKITEM WI "); sqlQuery.append("inner join PROJECT P on WI.FK_URI_PROJECT = P.C_URI "); sqlQuery.append("inner join MODULE M on WI.FK...
SQL Data Insights (SQL DI) is an AI-powered Db2 feature. It combines deep learning in artificial intelligence (AI) with advanced IBM Z technologies to infuse the Db2 engine with SQL-based semantic queries on user tables and views.
Slow SQL queries in ApsaraDB for ClickHouse,ApsaraDB for ClickHouse:If your ApsaraDB for ClickHouse cluster encounters performance issues or when you perform periodic maintenance, you can view slow SQL queries to troubleshoot the issues. This topic descr
There are also procedures likesp_whothat leverage these views. In 2K5Management Studioyou also get Activity Monitor. This will show you the longest running SPIDs on a SQL 2000 server: selectp.spid ,right(convert(varchar, dateadd(ms, datediff(ms, P.last_batch, getdate()),'1900-01-01')...
For descriptions of many Wait types and what they indicate, see the table inTypes of Waits. Diagnose and resolve running queries If CPU (worker) time is very close to the overall elapsed duration, the query spends most of its lifetime executing. Typically, when the SQL Server engine drives...
I've used ODBC queries in Excel before but it was always with stored procedures on the server. Now I'd like to be able to define freeform SQL queries in...
To make this permanent you can exportDSQ_CACHE=truein your environment. Interactive REPL Use the-ior--interactiveflag to enter an interactive REPL where you can run multiple SQL queries. $ dsq some-large-file.json -i dsq> SELECT COUNT(1) FROM {}; +---+ | COUNT(1) | +---+ | 100...