Specifies a Pblock range or value to use during placement and routing to limit the area available for the design. vivado.phys_opt Specify the physical optimization to run. Choices include:none,place,route, andall . vivado.report_level
Phys. Rev. Lett. (2008) H. Yu et al. Improving resolution of dual-comb gas detection using periodic spectrum alignment method Sensors (2021) H. Yu et al. Phase-stable repetition rate multiplication of dual-comb spectroscopy based on a cascaded Mach-Zehnder interferometer Opt. Lett. (2021) ...
elastic energy return. The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that the augmentation in the CoT is related to changes in mechanical parameters (Wtot, Kleg, and Kvert) and decrease inEff. The testing of these hypotheses may contribute towards a better design of training for ...
Design of the optical path length scanner The design of the rapid-scanning optical path length scanner is similar to the one used for optical coherence tomography in Ref.30. In our system, the path length scanner consists of an elliptically shaped 12-kHz resonant scanning mirror with major and...
4.1. Research Design To address the research questions of interest, a repeated-measures crossover design was used, in which healthy recreational runners completed four 6-min bouts of treadmill running at a previously determined preferred running speed. Each condition used a different taping technique,...
Kolić, L. Utjecaj Protokola Testa Hodanja s Progresivnim Opterećenjem na Pokretnom Sagu na Pokazatelje Energetskih Kapaciteta [The Influence of the Walking Test Protocol with Progressive Load on a Moving Carpet on Indicators of Energy Capacities. Ph.D Thesis, University of Zagreb, Facu...
This study followed a cross-sectional design. All U14 athletes and their parents received detailed information regarding the potential risks associated with the test, and written informed consent was obtained in accordance with the ethical principles described in the Declaration of Helsinki. The study ...
2.3. Design of the Upper-Body Mechanism To fulfill the above requirements of an upper-body robot mechanism, we developed an upper-body mechanism that has human-like mass properties and can perform the motions observed during human running (see Figure 1). Some studies have been conducted using ...
However, as the results found little differences between FTP20 and FTP30 for their correlation with FTP60 (ICCs = 0.839 and 0.899, respectively), it would be advisable to opt for the shortest one to reduce both time needed and stress caused in the athletes. Although the use of IMU ...
In this scope, innovative GPS-based devices (DGPS, Galileo and so on) might be integrated into the EM system design, mutually offsetting strengths and weaknesses: the proposed system would be ideal for stadiums or indoor placement, while the GPS technology would be more suitable for road ...