chairman Richard Burr (R-NC) invoked a meme to describe Congress’ inaction on the issue. It’s as if, Burr said, Congress was “sitting in a burning room calmly with a cup of coffee, telling ourselves ‘this is fine.’”
Keep Run is a free GPS tracker app with map navigation to track your exercises on running, cycling, walking, and more! Keep Run is offering Free Pro Version fo…
#memes##memewiki# 「Alex Jones running meme」 Alex Jones是一位电台主播、电影制作人、作家以及阴谋论者 目前在得克萨斯州奥斯丁主持自己的节目《The Alex Jones Show》观众数量高达五百万 他因其阴谋论而广...
Like most good ideas, this one originated with some good ol' classroom boredom. (Finance class, specifically; shouts out to Ms. Graham!) In the video embedded atop this post, Vincent and Hall charmingly explain to Ellen the genesis of their dance-meme invention. ...
Memes flagged as singletons will always have a single entity of this type present in the graph. It will be created on startup. If you try to create an entity from a meme that is a singleton, the entity already exists and its UUID will be returned, as if a new entity had been creat...
Below, revisit the 10 biggest music memes of 2016: Related #MannequinChallenge Let’s start with the meme owning social feeds — and the top of the Hot 100 right now. At the end of October, a group of high school students in Jacksonville, Florida, started the trend by standing still as...