In 2000, Merrill went on to create and star in the Adult Swim series “The Brak Show,” a spin-off from “Space Ghost: Coast to Coast” that focused on Brak, his best friend Zorak, Brak’s Mom and Dad, and their daily sitcom adventures. The show continued the tradition of having ex...
In 2000, Merrill went on to create and star in the Adult Swim series “The Brak Show,” a spin-off from “Space Ghost: Coast to Coast” that focused on Brak, his best friend Zorak, Brak’s Mom and Dad, and their daily sitcom adventures. The show continued the tradition of having ex...
I like the windmill and I do believe that was one of the hills on the course One of the few areas of tree cover Struggling up the hill I do not have many pictures of me having fun when running but the Dallas Dirt Runners caught me having fun and turned it into a meme. My fellow...
We talked to Sam Gach of Pop Tarts, Erika Prime of Taco Bell, and Lane Rawlings of Vita Coco (she of the aforementioned pee tweet!) to find out just that. A few quick things we learned: Lil Uzi Vert loves Pop Tarts, Taco Bell employees might be telepathic, and meme skills are serio...
aSi les gens ont perdu la confiance de même les plus élémentaires, que vous pouvez savoir qui croire? Si les氏族ont perdu la confiance de memee les加上élémentaires, que vous pouvez savoir qui croire ?[translate] aLe code est faux. 代码是错误的。[translate] ...
But just like before, I slogged on and got it done — slow, ugly and plodding again the theme — but I finished. I was so happy about it, I even made a meme of myself. By the time the year’s first half-marathon arrived, we were back to cool cloudy days again and mercifully ...
Monday saw Musk pivot back tohis usual outrage-generating, Trump-like posts. He endorsed the GOP (again), shared a meme that used a picture of a Wehrmacht soldier in World War II, and posted and deleted a joke that was apparently about jerking off to Mastodon. But users were catching wi...
“I always think of that meme that says, ‘Oh, you want to know what am I training for? Life, motherf*cker,’” Linden, 37, said in March, just as it was becoming clear that the pandemic would put events on hold indefinitely. “You have to find some purpose in putting one foot ...
Pretty please don’t let this become a viral meme. THX. But as it turns out, I recognized a lot of the bloggers on the list. Bloggers who I enjoy reading. Bloggers who probably have 100x my following. I went back to the imposter syndrome drawing board, brainstorming reasons why my cra...
Meanwhile, her idiosyncratic speeches keep the meme factory humming. Vance is preternaturally smart, articulate, and scarily capable of ruthless compromise when it suits his agenda. Where will his vaulting ambition eventually bring him in the circus that US politics has become?