Unable to connect to WebSockets using Windows and the latest version 2.0.15#2854 Closed leonbragcommentedAug 25, 2024 The issue is still there with this version: mosquitto version 2.0.18 mosquitto is an MQTT v5.0/v3.1.1/v3.1 broker. ...
> I am trying to move my code, written in VBScript, to a VM running XPmode on > the win7 PC. The XPmode has been updating itself from Windows Update so I am > assuming it is up to date. I installed mosquitto from > mosquitto-1.1-install-win32.exe > > Executing mosquitto_pub ga...
I've tried both using the regular win32 installer and building it on my own usingthe build notes here, but both times running mosquitto_pub and mosquitto_sub would throw the above exception. Looking through the dependency walker as a few others before me did (none of the previously reported...
确认当前所在目录是否正确,可以使用dir(Windows)或者ls(Mac/Linux)命令查看当前目录的内容。 在正确的目录中执行pub命令。例如,如果要运行pub get命令来获取项目依赖,可以使用以下命令: 代码语言:txt 复制 flutter pub get 这样就可以在正确的目录中运行Flutter pub命令了。 Flutter是一款跨平台的移动应用开发框架,它可...
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/keyrings/alt/Windows.py”, line 17, in from . import _win_crypto File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/keyrings/alt/_win_crypto.py”, line 3, in from ctypes import ( File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/ctypes/__init__.py”, ...
All my Python code, OpenVINO, node-red, Coral TPU drivers (if you need/want them) and CUDA (if you are using nVidia GPU instead of Intel) should be available on Windows, but I've not tested it. But you'll lose the "housekeeping" functionality in some shell scripts that are called ...
On Windows, run the ipconfig command on a command prompt. sh generate_ssl_cert.sh <local-ip-address-of-your-pc> For Example: sh generate_ssl_cert.sh This step will generate the following files in the same <factory_app_cm4>/scripts/ directory: mosquitto_ca.crt –Root ...
Original Home Assistant: Python folder, home assistant run command run at start-up from shortcut in Windows start-up folder. 2nd OS: Ubuntu Server 16.04.1 LTS virtualization on Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V. 2nd Home Assistant: Python virtual environment with homeassistant user. As perManual inst...
Closed leonbrag commented Aug 25, 2024 The issue is still there with this version: mosquitto version 2.0.18 mosquitto is an MQTT v5.0/v3.1.1/v3.1 broker. I had to add above to make it workSign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account? Sign in to...