The movie reminded me of what Bogdanovich said of The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance: that it "is not a young man’s movie; it has the wisdom and poetic perceptions of an artist knowingly nearing the end of his life and career." One may counter that Valance reaches far dourer conclusions...
Time to get to know the man a bit more. By. K. Van de Velde Q: Where were you born and did you grow up ? WI: I was born in Tokyo, Japan, and grew up there as well.What do you do for a living?I'm an engineer in a car company.What made you become an ultrarunner?I ...
免費在線 Tap BPM 工具允許您通過點擊節奏或節拍的任意鍵來計算速度和計數 Beats Per Minute (BPM)。點擊幾秒鐘即可快速計算 BPM,無需等待整整一分鐘。您可以選擇將其配置為 Beats Per Second (BPS) 或Beats Per Hour (BPH)。它同樣適用於 Revolutions Per Minute (RPM) 和RPS 手動計算音樂的節奏是一件麻煩事...
Also I have to say watching this episode of Running Man, I finally started to see why some people find Kim WooBin so attractive. He has great hair and his features may be strange but in a pleasing sort of way. Poor Gary, man. He really had a hard time of it this episode with Suk...
Man’s Castle (Sony Blu-ray) The Shining Hour (Warner Archive Blu-ray) If you ever had a hankering to see Loretta Young and Spencer Tracy go skinny-dipping, Borzage’s incredible 1933 picture (co-scenarist: Ogden Nash!) affords you the opportunity. It’s not explicit, of course, but...