JavaScript Debugger Companion Extension ms-vscode.js-debug-companion 1.1.3 Language Support for Java(TM) by Red Hat 1.35.1 Maven for Java vscjava.vscode-maven 0.44.0 Project Manager for Java vscjava.vscode-java-dependency 0.24.0 Pylance ms-python.vscode-pylance 2024.9.2 Python ms...
vscode.typescript-language-features, vscode.git-base, vscode.npm, vscode.git, vscode.github, vscode.configuration-editing, vscode.json-language-features, vscode.debug-auto-launch, vscode.merge-conflict, ms-vscode.js-debug, vscode.debug-server-ready ...
The Node.js version on the local machine was recently upgraded (or downgraded) and the Node modules weren't reinstalled afterward. The installed native Node modules targeted the Node version from when they were installed. Since the Node version changed in the meantime, they were now targeting th...
run VSCode as admin before running the electron script reinstall and update Electron and vue/cli This app used to work fine. I came back to it after a month, and suddenly it doesn't. What other solutions can I try to get rid of the error? I solved this problem by renamingelectron.js...
vue-2.5.17.js:597 [Vue warn]: Error compiling template: 1. 2. 3. 4. 是不是很烦 代码感觉没问题 就是报这个警告 总结三点原因 以后有再写 1.代码不规范 VUE需要的没有完全包裹HTML代码 原因:缺失 解决 2.div标签范围太大 一样的错范围太大 解决: 注意范围 3...
2. Expose port 9229 in the docker-compose.yml Port9229is the default node.js debugging port. This will bind the port of the container with that of the host machine enabling the VSCode debugger to attach to the port. version: "3.9" ...
右键可以在浏览器中打开 2 vscode 中显示... (command + ,) 在设置中配置如下 renderControlCharacters renderWhitespace 配置成功效果 3 gitlens 可以看到修改提示 4 新加了空格看不出来 command+, ignoreTrimWhitespace 取消勾选之后 5 按照eslint配置项格式化js(有时候prettier 和 编辑器vscode 的格式化,不符合我们...
【nodeJs】This usually happens because your environment has changed since running `npm install` vscode 无法启动本地vue.js 问题根本:这通常是因为运行NPM安装后环境发生了变化。 运行“NPM重建节点SASS——强制”来为当前环境构建绑定。 如何解决:此时运行按照提示执行 npm rebuild node-sass 命令...
not getting error if i run the project in system terminal(bash) . i i tried uninstalling and installing vscode and then removing the keyboard shortcuts of ctrl+s for saving the files . still i am getting same error . linux ubuntu visual-studio-code next.js deployment Share Follow asked ...
{input:'resources/js/app.js',refresh:true, }),vue({template: {transformAssetUrls: {base:null,includeAbsolute:false, }, }, }), ],server: {hmr: {host:"", <-- this was the IP exposed in previous step },host:"", <-- this allows other IPs to connect N.B....