在安装上面的系统的时候,会遇到这个runnig in chroot ignoring request错误,无法退出chroot,那么该怎么办呢?方法/步骤 1 如果你在物理机上遇到的,那么此时你可以多次按【ctrl+d】,那么即可退出来了的。2 如果你在虚拟机里面的,那么点击图一的停止,然后选重新启动客户机。3 通常按照步骤一即可解决问题,然后...
当我们使用systemctl启动服务时它提示我们 [root@localhost ~]# systemctl start mariadbRunninginchroot, ignoring request. 或者使用service时 [root@localhost ~]# service mariadb startRedirecting to /bin/systemctl start mariadb.service Runninginchroot, ignoring request. 解决办法# 参考文章:https://github....
Running in chroot, ignoring request.root@CoreELEC:/#启动emby-server时提示:Running in chroot, ignoring request. 另外, entware里装debian时arm64装不了,改装的armhf,emby-server也是装的armhf版本。请打捞赐教,什么原因导致emby-server启动不了?多谢了! 你不认识的盆友 ---x 1 楼主找到原因了吗 玉专阁...
root@pi:/app/ros2_ws# udevadm control --reload Running in chroot, ignoring request. Also as mentioned by @nbaldy I can detect and interact with the camera in the host son the config.txt should be ok. Am I missing something here ? Edit: Fyi here is how I installed libcamera on Ubun...
I already had a way to boot an iOS kernel of a slightly different version on a different iPhone without a secure monitor, while patching the kernel at runtime to make it boot, running the launchd services that preexisted on the ramdisk image and without interactive I/O. In this post I ...