一般来说包括空格在内不超过 50 个字符。因此在撰写 Running Head的时候需要可以提炼文章主旨大意,如果文章题目本身就很短,可以直接使用文章题目。如果文章题目比较长,则需要对文章内容进行提炼,凝练出比文章题目更加短小精悍的句子。 下面看看APA如何定义Running Head: APA Style: Running Head Format for APA Style P...
Running Head: APA TEMPLATESeptember
如何写好论文短标题(RunningHead)? 1.在格式上:短标题有它的硬性要求,下面我们以APA格式为例。 1.1短标题的字符数不得超过50(包括空格)。而这里的字符不是指单词数,通常一个字母占一个字符。比如“RunningHead”这个短语就有11个字母和一个空格,那么这个短语的总字符数是不是11,而是12。 1.2短标题的字母必须...
running head 我覺得沒有對應的中文翻譯,但它代表的意思是:1) 簡潔版的論文題目, 2) 這標題會出現在文章頂端。 我舉正式期刊為例子,這例子與APA第六版格式可能有些出入,但可以給大家一個範例。 文章:Chen, X., Hao, M., Geva, E., Zhu, J., & Shu, H. (2009). The role of compound awareness...
running head n.天眉 栏外标题;书眉;逐页标题 例句 1.After you read this article,when you're ready to get ext3 up and running,head over to Andrew's page.阅读了这篇文章后,当您准备设置和运行ext3时,请参考Andrew的页面。2.(a sh。
Running Title这个是指学术论文正标题的简短版本,即短标题,又称Running Head或Short Title。部分学术期刊...
The specific requirements for running heads vary. In general, running heads should be brief.APA guidelinesrequire thatrunning heads be a maximum of 50 characters(spaces count as characters). The running head is usuallywritten in all capital letters. (For style purposes, the examples in this artic...
apaAPAheadHeadHEAD 系统标签: apasixthguidelinesrunningheadedition Running head: APA SIXTH EDITION GUIDELINES 1 APA Sixth Edition Guidelines for Paper Formatting in the College of Nursing Program Nursing A. Student (note first name, middle initial, and last name) University of Arizona APA SIXTH EDITI...
Running head: APA DOCUMENTATION STYLE 1 APA Documentation Style and Writing Skills Joan Smith Red River College Scholarly Writing and Documentation Instructor: Kim Mitchell APA DOCUMENTATION STYLE 2 I would like to acknowledge the efforts of both Karen Wall and Mary Stawychny of Red River College ...