But I want torunwild andfree, like a realdog! 但是 我 想要 像 真的 狗一樣可以自由自在地 奔跑 OpenSubtitles2018.v3 As he worked, thedogstwisted in their lines,freeingthe gangline, the metal tow cable from the sled to which eachdogis attached, and thedogsstarted torun. ...
For example, if you say, “Come on, let’s go” to tell your dog it’s time for a walk, you might try a different cue such as “Run, buddy!” to signal it’s time to run.Make sure to teach another cue to help your dog learn when it’s time to slow down. (“Okay buddy,...
a. To move without hindrance or restraint: We let the dog run in the field. b. To move or go quickly or hurriedly: run around doing errands. c. To go when in trouble or distress: He is always running to his lawyer. d. To make a short, quick trip or visit: ran next door to ...
My dog did it too! Exciting times! #blessed! That aside, it is still an incredible physical feat that takes a massive toll on your body. Technically pregnancy is considered a medical condition, because it can make your health suffer and you can lose some of your ability to function as no...
(Knitting & Sewing) a simple form of hand stitching, consisting of small stitches that look the same on both sides of the fabric, usually used for gathering. Sometimes called:gathering stitch Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991...
Jeff is Runner-in-Chief forRunner's World, guiding the brand's shoes and gear coverage. A true shoe dog, he's spent more than a decade testing and reviewing shoes. In 2017, he ran in 285 different pairs of shoes, including a streak of 257 days wearing a different model. ...
1.SparklyPets Hands-Free Dog Leash — Best Overall Check Price on Chewy Check Price on Amazon Normally when we think of walking or running with our dogs, we have an image of a leash in our hands.SparklyPetshad another idea: The company has made a leash that will allow you to run with...
The Perfect Trail Running Dog Leash Hitting the trails with your hands free allows you to maintain a comfortable, proper form while running. Keeping your shoulders loose and eyes managing the twists and turns of the trail, this hands free dog leash for running will make the miles you spend ...
As humans, we’re supposed be all over the place, like that puppy dog, right? What I like to do is, we go out to the park. And we just kind of bounce back and forth, in all sorts of different directions, and chase each other around. I’ll even do that if the trail is a li...
When Gill, now heading up the indie shingle The Film Department, spoke at the adjoining film financing conference on the first Saturday of the festival, he decried the indie film marketplace as standing on the brink of oblivion, saying, "if you decide to make a movie budgeted under $10 ...